27th July 2024 Academic Year: 2022/23  
Welcome to ARIS
The Academic Registration Information System (ARIS) holds all the information relating to students and their studies at Mzumbe University.

What does ARIS do?
ARIS allows Staff and Students of Mzumbe University to manage their management tasks online. Here is an example of what ARIS can do:
  • Students
    • Register for Courses online
    • View Course Progress and Results

  • Teaching Staff
    • View list of Students per Course
    • Publish Course Results
    • Track Students Progress

  • Other
    • Accommodation Management
    • Payment Management
    • Degree Configuration

    • Contact: aris_support@mzumbe.ac.tz
    • Don't forget to attach the copy of your student ID along with your request for help
ARIS Login
Welcome to ARIS. Please login by entering your details in the form below.